Si tu cherches un partenaire de grimpe, une place libre dans une voiture.
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Climbing Partner Atrdennes

[email protected] 2 1679 21-7-2015 18:19  

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[email protected]
un verre d'eau svp
5 posts



Climbing Partner Atrdennes 3/8-8/8


I am an experienced Irish climber and I am looking for safe climbing partner/s during the week of 3/8 to 8/8 as I am taking my holidays in Belgium and all my friends are going to be at work.

I have climbed at many different locations in Belgium and I have all my own equipment and guide books.

I lead up to 5b and I am a patient and attentive belayer !

I like beer as well

[email protected]



un verre d'eau svp
16 posts




Back at work 3/8... for a week,
then back in holiday 8/8.
So sorry man...