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Man's life saved by his own pee

Nico W 8 1736 24-2-2005 10:47  

Dernière réponse

Nico W
parfois ça m'arrive de grimper
1057 posts
The ground is a harsh spotter.



Man's life saved by his own pee

waarschijnlijk morgen in de weekendkranten, maar deze kon ik toch niet voor mezelf houden

Stuck in his car and trapped under an avalanche, a Slovak man didn?t know what to do. So, he cracked open an ice-cold beer, took a sip and had a brilliant idea?he?ll pee his way out!

Sometimes, beer saves lives

Four days after Richard Kral?s car was missing and buried under an avalanche in the Slovak Tatra mountains, a search party found him sloshed and stumbling his way down a mountain path.

?My kidneys and liver now hurt,? he said.

30 liters to freedom

At first, Kral tried to free himself by digging his way out with his hands, but that was just filling his car up with snow.

If there?s ever a time for a drink, this was it. He reached back to get one of 60 half-liter bottles of beer he had in his car for the vacation he was on his way to. After taking a drink, he realized he could melt the snow by urinating on it.

?I was scooping the snow from above me and packing it down below the window, and then I peed on it to melt it,? he said. ?I?m glad the beer I took on holiday turned out to be useful and I managed to get out of there.?

Life on earth is expensive, but it does include an annual free trip around the sun.



parfois ça m'arrive de grimper
1238 posts




Nico W
parfois ça m'arrive de grimper
1057 posts
The ground is a harsh spotter.



mijn excuses, heb die thread niet gevolgd, dus wist ik ni.
Life on earth is expensive, but it does include an annual free trip around the sun.



the spam club
2123 posts



het heeft al in de krant gestaan hoor

maar nu het grappige komt nog:
het is niet waar.


het is anders wel een leuk verhaal, en er zijn veel kranten ingetrapt,



Nico W
parfois ça m'arrive de grimper
1057 posts
The ground is a harsh spotter.



ikke blijkbaar ook
Life on earth is expensive, but it does include an annual free trip around the sun.



parfois ça m'arrive de grimper
1238 posts



En ik



funny bunny
2344 posts



ikke niet

't kan nog goed komen met mij...
bunnies have more fun



le pendule, je ne fais que ça
158 posts
Hoog in de bomen, weg van 't licht...



Aron Alston (schrijver van "Klem") heeft ook deels overleefd op zijn eigen urine he...en dat was wél waar!

Maar nu heb ik alles gelezen en besef ik dat mijn reply op niks slaagt
Hoog in de bomen, weg van 't licht...

[last edited on 2005.02.25 08:23:40]