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Internationaal klimtreffen Zuid-Afrika

Jo 8 502 20-1-2005 09:39  

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parfois ça m'arrive de grimper
1843 posts
Think different!



Internationaal klimtreffen Zuid-Afrika

In 2003 was ik er zelf bij, en moest ik niet reeds andere belangrijke plannen hebben, ik ging zeker terug!
In elk geval kan ik het iedere klimmer aanraden! Als je wil gaan, laat me een mailtje, dan forward ik je de volledige uitnodiging.
Wie gaat, moet in elk geval de groeten doen van mij aan Ulrike, Ross, Stuart, Hermann en co!

International Climbing Meet
With The Mountain Club of South Africa
At Magaliesberg, Cederberg Kloof


The Mountain Club of South Africa invites climbers from your country to take part in an international climbing meet in South Africa. The meet will run from 23.4.2005 to 1.5.2005. We will have as a base the Mountain Club property in the heart of the Magaliesberg, a magnificient protected nature area. The climbing areas of Cederberg Kloof, Tonquani and Boulder Kloof are within walking distance. Many other Kloofs (gorges) in the Magaliesberg will be visited, all within 30 minutes driving distance. From there we will have two to four day trips to other climbing venues, such as Blouberg, Krantzberg, Hanglip, Waterval Boven and the Drakensberg, each of them a prime climbing area. We will also offer day-hikes in the Magaliesberg or two to three day hikes in the Drakensberg to above 3000m.

We hope to introduce visiting climbers to some of South Africa's premier and most accessible climbing destinations, to the sunny climate and to the local climbing fraternity. During this week climbers will be able to make contact with South African climbers and to obtain information about other climbing venues in southern Africa, if they so wish.

Generally the climbs are all on trad gear (traditional), but we will be visiting sport-climbing venues as well, especially Waterval Boven, a world-renowned sport climbing area. The grades vary from easy scrambles to grade E5/E6 (British) or IX- (UIAA), from single-pitch crags to routes of 14, or so, pitches (about 400 metre high wall). Most crags are within protected areas and our visitors will most likely see monkeys, baboons, the odd buck, eagles and vultures.

Guests will have to bring their own tent, sleeping bags and standard overnight camping equipment. This is a self-catering camp. We will arrange regular trips to local supermarkets and shops stocking a large variety of food items. There is no need to bring food from home countries. Safe water is available from local streams. Expected temperatures are +25C to +30C during the day and +10C at night. However temperatures in the Drakensberg will be lower and can go down to close to freezing point. We will provide free firewood, benzene, paraffin and camping gas and free transport to all climbing areas.

We will also arrange transport from and to Johannesburg airport to the camp.

For more information on the Mountain Club of South Africa visit http://www.mcsa.org.za/ and for our climbing spots http://www.mcsa.org.za/cpg/thumbnails.php?album=17.
Or for general information about southern Africa go to http://www.getawaytoafrica.com/ or to http://www.south-african-tourism.org/

What to bring

? Clothing and footwear (sandals for most places, hiking boots for Blouberg and Drakensberg)
? Rucksack(s) - 70+ litre capacity, to carry climbing and over night gear up to high level bivvies (for Blouberg and Drakensberg), and (about) 45 litre capacities, to take on long routes, or for taking climbing kit, food, clothes and water up to the crags
? Climbing gear - personal safety equipment and, if to be lead climbing, a leader rack and rope
? Tent, sleeping bag and sleeping mat
? Camping stove and cooking utensils; if not possible, indicate this on the application form. We will try to provide extra stoves.
? Personal insurance. The Mountain Club of South Africa has no automatic insurance for members or guests, but provides a free search and rescue service.
? Bathing costume and towel, sun hat and sun-block
? Raincoat; the odd thunderstorm can be expected lasting about an hour or so
? Head torch with spare battery/-ies
? Camera (and film - can be acquired locally).
? Personal First Aid kit.

We will provide

? Transport from Johannesburg airport to the camp and from the camp to all climbing crags.
? Free camping at the camp and most venues. Where public camping places are used, such as at Waterval Boven, typical fees are USD10 per person per night or less.
? Benzene, Paraffin and camping gas for cooking and fire wood for campfires.
? Copies of selected route descriptions and advice. We will also make sure that there will be a range of local guidebooks for sale.
? Local climbers to be guides and climbing partners
? Sunshine, good rock and a warm welcome

How to join

Logistics demand that we limit the number of participants to about 50. Interested people should therefore try to book early.
Each climber, who wants to join this meet, needs to fill in the attached booking form and return it
either by email to [email protected]

or by air mail to MCSA of SA
c/o U Kiefer
43, 4th Avenue
South Africa

Think different!



28 posts



moved for the sake of all

This thread was moved by theboss



où sont mes tabourets de bar personnalisés?
587 posts
I wanna climmmmmmmb!



Is dit nu eigenlijk een tweejaarlijks evenement of is het puur toeval dat het zo snel al weer van dat is? Het interesseert me wel maar ik ga niet kunnen vrees ik. Is er een mailinglijst waar je je op kunt inschrijven om je bij een volgende keer op de hoogte te laten brengen?
I wanna climmmmmmmb!



parfois ça m'arrive de grimper
1843 posts
Think different!



De BAC, en wschl ook de VBSF, krijgen die uitnodigingen ook.
En ik hoop de mails ook te blijven krijgen, en zal dan zeker bericht laten op BCN
Anders kan je ook nog steeds zelf contact opnemen met Ulrike..

BTW: aangezien mijn andere plannen professioneel gekelderd zijn, overweeg ik om alsnog te gaan
Think different!



le pendule, je ne fais que ça
167 posts



Wie gaat er mee?

Ik heb mij al ingeschreven.



où sont mes tabourets de bar personnalisés?
587 posts
I wanna climmmmmmmb!



Lucky you! Bij mij zal het voor een volgende keer zijn. Er wordt een blanco plaatsje voor gereserveerd in mijn agenda!
I wanna climmmmmmmb!



parfois ça m'arrive de grimper
1843 posts
Think different!



Ik ga mee!
Ben wel nog niet officieel ingeschreven (moet dat dringend eens in orde maken), maar ze weten da'k kom

Verlof is geregeld, en vlucht geboekt
Think different!



28 posts




This topic was moved to the trash can by BZ